A few strands in my pharmacy life are all knitting together in one direction, and for that I need an app. An appeal on Twitter hasn't seen a huge response so let me explain in more detail here my thoughts about Reflecting with a Black Mirror.
Of course, I'm overdramatising this a bit. By Black Mirror, I mean smart phone or other digital device; and by reflecting I'm talking about the process of healthcare professionals thinking about what they're doing and how they can make it better.
Earlier this week, I attend a talk by one of the technologists at Leeds medical school. They're issuing medical students with iPhones, and have developed there own apps for assessing students to the apparent long-term vision of medical students spending their lives learning with patients and their iPhones rather than attending lectures
Compare this with qualified doctors, at another hospital in West Yorkshire, clinical staff are being given iPads. This opens the door for a massive expansion of medical app use in direct patient care.
Separately, I'm trying to inspire my team of 3-5 year qualified pharmacists as to their future careers in a world where the future of the NHS is uncertain, especially coping as the long-expected increase in demand from demographic changes such as the increasing number of elderly patients, whilst the number of jobs available has plummeted. What can I offer in the way of careers advice? Well, there's a big push to use the CODEG advanced and consultant level framework to develop individuals' clinical practice. UKCPA's critical care group has led the way on this, adapting the standard template to show how a pharmacist wishing to specialise in intensive care environments might demonstrate their competence to do so.
So what I'm after at this stage is: a means of easily yet comprehensively getting evidence of a healthcare professional's contribution to healthcare - both as a means of building up a portfolio of practice to demonstrate that they're capable of being employed as a specialist when the job market opens up and as a means of generating ideas for how to further develop themselves.
Does anyone have an app for that?
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